Thursday, October 26, 2006

101 Stropping Things to do Wickedly in Prison Naked

Short hand and Stropping

Last night I had a massive strop about short hand. I was doing the home work last minute, and I could just not do it. Nothing was going through my head.

I had also been doing my presentation all day, so my head was screwed. Sometimes things just get on top of you, and all you want to do is stomp your feet.

Funny how this isn’t allowed.

Why aren’t I allowed to scream at the top of my voice and lose all composure if I am not happy? It’s not the done thing I suppose.

It wouldn’t be ‘grown up’ now would it? So I did it anyway, and it made me feel much better.

This morning, I came back to doing it and it was all fine, I just needed 8 hours sleep. Ho hum.

I also find the last half hour of that class the worst half hour of maybe the week. My head is fuzzy, the letters all join together and become one huge blend.


I have wanted to see the musical Wicked since approximately forever (timing might not be an accurate assessment of the wanting).

And when I entered the Junction on Tuesday night to start the nights drunken procedures I heard ‘SAAAAAAARAAAAH’.

I did not turn around. There are normally far too many Sarah’s for it to me that’s being called.

Anyway, it happened again, so I turned around and a huge afro full of Nicola (my arts editor) ran towards me.

She told me that I was going to see Wicked for FREE next Wednesday. It has made my life.

I am finding my room in halls, to be a prison when it comes to working. I need to find other places to work. I think I may go and work underneath the trees in Northwick Park today.

Perhaps being one with nature might help me to become Einstein! I could even become a nudist. If you happen to see a nekkid person stomping on their short hand book, well I’ll say no more.

101 things
I have been reading The Dice man by Luke Rhinehart and decided that my life is not nearly random enough. I have a book called 101 things to do before you die. I am going to pick a number at random from it and then do it.

Of course if this involves anything illegal, then all the better. One of the options is travelling around the world, I might avoid this for now. I will keep you posted.


Rosalind said...

scream at the top of your lungs sarah! just do it.
i often get strange looks for expressing my anger in a really geordie way and just shouting 'for f*&k's sake man!'
makes me feel so much better.

lets start our 101 things adventure soon.

Annabel said...

Yes indeed, have a scream!! Why is it not socially acceptable to get upset? Are we supposed to just go round with fake smiles all day? How boring would that be!

Can I play 101 things? Maybe we should include shouting/swearing in public! Loads of fun!

Chris Horrie said...

Can you do us a full review of The Dice Man on your blog. It is one of my favourite books. It is a great way to think of ideas for feature writing - or at least to motivate yourself to do them and to generally 'think outside of the box'.