Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Little Blue Men

I saw these little guys last night:

At the New London Theatre in Convent Garden. They're called 'The Blue Man Group'. I think the best way to describe it is performance art. This is how they started off, as street performers.

The show mainly consists of percussion, drama and comedy. There's a huge audience participation happening in the show. At one point, we were all passing masses of toilet roll from the back of the audience to the stage. A stream of the stuff everywhere!

When I looked around everyone's grinning like a loon at the blue dudes, and at everyone else. Pretty much how I must have looked.

At another point, the three of them leave stage, and a TV screen just floats down onto the stage! (perhaps suspended on strings, but hey let’s pretend.) Then a blue face appears on it. Watch for yourself!:


It’s this and much more that makes the whole show bloody brilliant! It’s about the basics of human communication, bringing in modern and ancient forms of it, using paints, drums, lots and lots of music.

On the way home from this show, I was left with a stupid grin on my face. They make you feel like children because this is exactly how they act! It's brilliant.

You have to see this show!

I am interviewing them this Thursday for the student magazine. Wheeee.

1 comment:

Rosalind said...

i love it. i love that you have three heads and six toes.
alas, i only have one head. it is almost round. but it is empty.
woe is me.