Thursday, August 28, 2008

Because you have to...

After reading Dooce's post on having a celebrity top five fuck list. I have considered mine for all of two minutes and have come up with the following:

 Chris Martin
 Jake Gyllenhaal
 David Bowie
 Alex Zane
 Marc Ronson


Chris - Mainly because of his voice and his talent. Also I LOVE his hair.
Jake - Just because he is really tall and has the element of being able to look after you, while still having that stupidly pretty face.
Bowie - Because after I saw The Labyrinth as a child, I was never the same again.
Alex - He's a little bit crazy and has the prettiest eyes in the world. FACT. Also, his dress sense is HOT.
Marc - His face is divine and I'd love to see him on the decks! :)

I wouldn't even mind all five at once really..

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