Monday, December 11, 2006

Pet Peeves: This gets on my last nerve!

There are two main things that drive me mental:

1) When people cannot eat properly, and you have to hear the sound of them gestating their food. It is wrong, and I think it should be made illegal. I do not want to see what they are eating similarly; the thing that separates us from animals is that we’re supposed to have manners. That should be number one on the manners list!

Also when people chew gum, and they make ‘that’ sound. You know the one I mean, where you can hear the chewing gum being squished with saliva around their mouths. Particularly highlighted on the tube, when you HAVE to watch them doing it. Seriously people, there is absolutely no point in chewing gum.

2) Packets. Of any kind. I cannot bear them. This might actually be more of a phobia than a pet peeve. But when I have to sit next to someone who has a packet of crisps, I start squirming; I just don’t like the sound. I think putting food in something as stupidly noisy as a foil packet is ludicrous. Perhaps it is a form of advertising? Like ‘why don’t we see if our packet can make the loudest sound, and people will look at it and see our brand name?’ This is actually quite a clever strategy.

I just think I don’t like the inconsistency of the noise, especially somewhere like in the cinema. When you are really getting into a good film and all you can hear is the rustling of a million packets. My God, that is my idea of hell, cause then you have to hear people eating as well!

This is my rant over for now. Pet peeves are a fun way to start to get to know a person, then try and annoy the hell out of them. I encourage you all to go out and do it this week J


Matan said...

I guess they COULD make them out of cotton or THAT would be chic.

The first of my pet peeves would be people who massively underestimate the magnificent detecting power of the human ear.
If you could speak at half the volume and I'd still be able to hear you, yer too blooddy loud.

TommyH said...

loving all these rant messages that have sprung up today. It's that kind of year I guess.